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Chris Hayashida

Software engineer, tinkerer, musician, inept cook

πŸ“œ About Me

Software Engineer

I am a software engineer with years of experience specializing in full-stack development and data engineering, with a focus on creating exceptional user experiences. With strong proficiency in React/Flow, Python, and SQL, and a passion for building efficient and intuitive applications and big data pipelines, I strive to deliver impactful solutions that meet both user needs and business objectives. I am dedicated to continuously expanding my skills and collaborating with cross-functional teams to drive innovation and create remarkable software experiences.


My interest in computers and programming actually began in middle school, when I began toying with HTML and JavaScript, but I began pursuing it in earnest when I noticed a coworker typing code in an IDE while I was working at EcoFactor, using what turned out to be SQL. My coworker was nice enough to show me the ropes of how SQL worked. I realized I could leverage what they had taught me and, presumably, a general-purpose programming language to automate a manual process I'd been assigned that took an entire day every week, so I decided to teach myself Python to make it happen. After 3 months spending an extra 4 hours a day in the office after normal work hours, I had completely automated that painstaking process and was so thrilled by it that I became determined to make programming my full-time job.

Since then, I secured a job at Meta and never looked back. I have had the opportunity to work with and learn from extremely intelligent people and it was an incredible experience.

πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€πŸš€ Projects

I've worked on projects professionally, as well as in my personal time to hone my skills, and just to make life easier around the house. Here are a few of my favorites.

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’Ό Professional

In my professional experience, I've worked on projects ranging from building data pipelines tracking the spread of COVID-19 to creating internal tools and UIs of all sorts and developing APIs. Here are some of my favorites.

πŸ¦ΈπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Personal

My unconventional education in programming forced me to find my own projects to work on, which I found in the form of building home automation solutions from scratch. I noticed that there were things around my home that I often forgot to do, like turning my closet light off, or watering my plant, so I turned these tasks into projects.

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» Work History

Software engineer


Develop mapping technologies for autonomous robo-taxis.

Technologies used: SQL, Python, JS, Typescript, HTML/CSS, Linux, Git, ArgoCD, Bazel, Amazon S3

Software engineer


Worked throughout the stack on multiple teams, from logging to satellite-image-based mapping to an in-app feature focused on positive stories on Facebook. Focused on frontend rewriting and updating UIs, backend building and maintaining APIs, and data engineering building data pipelines to produce map data analysis which is hosted on the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX).

Technologies used: SQL, Presto, Spark, Scuba, Hive, Python, Hack/PHP, JS, Flow, React, HTML/CSS, Linux, Mercurial, Dataswarm, Amazon S3

Applications Administrator

Ohlone College IT Dept

Implemented and supported first and third-party applications for staff and faculty. Created reports using internal tooling for various departments regarding student, staff and faculty data. Redesigned the main intranet website used by faculty/staff, from a set of static pages to a single interactive solution. Recreated multiple web-based tools as training assets.

Technologies used: HTML/CSS, JS

Operations Analyst


Wrote several tools for monitoring and reporting, as well as an algorithm management tool, which planned the updates of proprietary energy efficiency algorithms on customer thermostats, eliminating a 5-hour weekly manual process and required the input of multiple team members to complete.

Technologies used: Python, MySQL

Teacher/Director of Operations

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ« Kupono Learning Center

Taught a mixed class of 10 students in grades 2 through 5. Duties included creating daily lesson plans, assigning/grading homework. Subjects taught included: Math, Reading, Writing, Science.